KKIA Committee

Pastor Kepala Paroki Etnis (Chaplain): 

Fr. Alfonsus Roynaldo Noeng CSsR

Dewan Pastoral (Pastoral Council):

Johanes Gouw
Robertus Fredy Indrawan
Stephanus Leo Liem

Dewan Keuangan (Finance Council):

Shinta Limawan
Debby Susanty Johan
Verawati Lekok

Sekretaris (Secretary):
Shinta Limawan

Ketua Wilayah (Regional Heads):

North Shore 1:
Northcote, Hillcrest, Birkenhead, Beach Haven, Birkdale, Glenfield, Unsworth Heights
Rosiana W. Tan

North Shore 2:
Takapuna, Devonport, Milford, Forrest Hill, Sunnynook, Mairangi Bay, Murrays Bay, Pinehill, Browns Bay, Albany, Long Bay, Whangaparoa
Berry Stefanus

Avondale, New Lynn, Te Atatu Peninsula, Te Atatu South, Henderson, Massey, West Harbour, Kumeu, Riverhead, Helensville 
Darmanto Setyo Basuki (Lazarus)

Central East South:
City Centre, Greenlane, Epsom, St. John, Ellerslie, Onehunga, Mt. Eden, Hillsborough, Mt. Albert, Pakuranga, Howick, Botany Downs, Dannemora, Flat Bush, Manurewa, Mangere
Karina Kumarga

Seksi-Seksi (Ministries):

Liturgi dan Koster (Liturgical and Sacristan): 
Stephanus Leo Liem

Musik Liturgi (Liturgical Music):

Konsumsi (Food and Refreshments): 
Dewi F. Atmadji
Haryanti Hambali (Lolo)

Web dan Publikasi (Website and Publication):
Josephine Claudia Halim (Audee)

Persekutuan Doa Karismatik Katolik (Charismatic Prayer):
Fenny Sastro

Senakel (Cenacle Prayer):
Muljati Tanubrata

Kepemudaan (Youth):
Judi Sutjahjo
Isaac Jogues Raswinarno

Pendidikan Iman (Religious Education):
Patricia Liana Buntara

Putra Putri Altar (Altar Servers):
Josephine Claudia Halim (Audee)

Top row (left to right): Judi, Fredy, Debby, Leo, Vera, Johanes, Isaac, Lolo
Bottom row (left to right): Audee, Leony, Fr Roy, Rosie, Karina, Dewi, Berry
Not in the picture: Shinta, Lazarus, Fenny, Muljati, Liana

For 2021-2024 committee, please click here.
For 2018-2021 committee, please click here.


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